Whether you have a new or old 2013 Dodge Avenger, it is possible to get a check engine light. This happens for a number of reasons, and if you are unsure whether you have a problem, here are some tips to help you determine what might be causing the light to appear.
2013 Dodge Avenger Check Engine Light: Gas Cap Is Loose, Broken or Missing
Symptoms of a missing, broken, or loose gas cap include a GASCAP light. This is a warning signal that there is an issue with the fuel tank. If the issue is not fixed, it may cause problems with the car’s emissions control system. This can cause problems such as rough idling and engine misfires.
The gas cap is a key component of the fuel system. If it is loose or missing, it can lead to fuel leaks. This will not only cost you money in the form of fuel costs, but it could also be harmful to the environment. The leaking fuel could also affect the car’s emissions control system.
Putting a new gas cap on your car can be a simple, inexpensive job. There are no special tools required to do the job.

2013 Dodge Avenger Check Engine Light: Bad Spark Plugs or Plug Wires
Having bad spark plugs or plug wires in your Dodge Avenger is a problem that can affect your driving experience. It can cause misfires and low fuel mileage. If your car is having problems, you need to get it checked by a certified mechanic as soon as possible.
The most obvious symptom of a bad spark plug or plug wire is a check engine light. This light will flash and may be located in your instrument cluster. It can be caused by an O2 sensor, an oil leak, or a bad spark plug. Depending on the cause, you may be able to fix the problem yourself or you may need to take your vehicle to a mechanic for diagnostics.
Another symptom of a bad spark plug or spark plug wire is a rough idle. A rough idle will cause vibrations in the cabin. Having a rough idle will also cause engine hesitation, poor fuel mileage, and a loss of power.

2013 Dodge Avenger Check Engine Light: Faulty Engine Control Unit
Whether you are a car mechanic or a layman, it is very important to know how to diagnose a faulty engine control unit in a Dodge Avenger. A bad ECM can cause a variety of problems, from poor engine performance to backfiring.
An ECM is a computer that controls almost all essential functions in a car. It uses data from sensors to control the entire drivetrain. Its functions include sparking, ignition, and fuel delivery. A bad ECM can result in poor performance, stalling, rough running, backfiring, and a variety of other problems.
The ECM controls the transmission controller in a Dodge Avenger. When this part goes bad, the check engine light will illuminate and the vehicle will not perform as smoothly as it should. In addition, the engine will start jerking while driving and will lose power.
2013 Dodge Avenger Check Engine Light: Bad Fuel Injector
Using a diagnostic tool, you can determine the cause of a bad fuel injector in your Avenger. Most of these tools will ask you to enter your vehicle information, including make, model, and year. The results will then be compiled into a chart. If the ‘check engine’ light illuminates, it is most likely due to a problem with your injectors.
A poor fuel supply can result in a poor spray pattern and a rough idle. These problems can also result in poor fuel economy. A bad fuel injector can also cause your engine to stall when you first start it.
The problem may also result in white smoke coming from the tail pipe. If the smoke is coming from the rear of your car, you may have a leaky head gasket. This can cause the engine to overheat.
2013 Dodge Avenger Check Engine Light: Bad Blower Motor
During extreme temperatures, a bad blower motor can be a major nuisance. It is important to have this component checked and replaced as soon as possible. A defective blower motor can cause problems with the ventilation system and make it difficult to control the interior temperature.
A blower motor is a vital part of a vehicle’s heating and air conditioning system. It has blades made of plastic that blow hot air through AC vents. A defective blower motor may not produce any air, or it may only work at a certain speed. A bad blower motor can also cause a burning plastic odor and inconsistent airflow.
The blower motor can become faulty without any warning. It may produce unusual whirring noises, or it may stop working altogether.