If you are wondering where to find the Dodge Ram 2500 check engine light codes, you can do the following. The first thing to do is to check the code that has been set by your vehicle’s computer system. If there is more than one code, they will all be assigned numbers, so you will need to look at each one when they appear on your dashboard display or in your engine management system console window.

What do the Dodge RAM 2500 check engine light codes mean?
Dodge RAM 2500 check engine light codes may appear as an alphanumeric combination (for example: P0456) or as letters followed by numbers (for example: P0545). You can also check the diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) associated with the same problems; each DTC identifies a problem with a part of your engine’s operation.
Once you have determined which code applies to your problem, make a note of its description so that if something changes in the future (or another code appears), you know what to look out for next time!

Dodge RAM 2500 check engine light codes, what is it?
If you want to know what the Dodge RAM 2500 check engine light codes mean, you can find out what they mean by taking your Dodge RAM 2500 to a certified repair shop. They will use an emissions analyzer and monitor your vehicle’s emissions during an inspection. If they find a problem with your vehicle’s emission control system, they will be able to tell you what the problem is and how to fix it.

The Dodge RAM 2500 check engine light codes include:
P0096 – Catalyst System Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 1)
P0097 – Catalyst System Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 2)
P0144 – Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve Insufficient Flow (Bank 1)
P0145 – Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve Insufficient Flow (Bank 2)
P0146 – Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve Insufficient Flow (Bank 3)
P0147 – Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve Insufficient Flow (Bank 4)
P0236 – Exhaust Gas Recirculation System Insufficient Flow (Bank 1)
P0237 – Exhaust Gas Recirculation System Insufficient Flow (Bank 2)
P0238 – Exhaust Gas Recirculation System Insufficient Flow (Bank 3)
P0239 – Exhaust Gas Recirculation System Insufficient Flow (Bank 4)
P0244 – Secondary Air Injection System Insufficient Flow (Bank 1)
P0245 – Secondary Air Injection System Insufficient Flow (Bank 2)
P0246 – Secondary Air Injection System Insufficient Flow (Bank 3)
P0247 – Secondary Air Injection System Insufficient Flow (Bank 4)
P0248 – Secondary Air Injection System Incorrect Flow Rate (Bank 1)
P0249 – Secondary Air Injection System Incorrect Flow Rate (Bank 2)
P0250 – Secondary Air Injection System Incorrect Flow Rate (Bank 3)
P0251 – Secondary Air Injection System Incorrect Flow Rate (Bank 4)
P0252 – Secondary Air Injection System Pressure Sensor Circuit Low Voltage (Bank 1)
P0253 – Secondary Air Injection System Pressure Sensor Circuit Low Voltage (Bank 2)
P0254 – Secondary Air Injection System Pressure Sensor Circuit Low Voltage (Bank 3)
P0255 – Secondary Air Injection System Pressure Sensor Circuit Low Voltage (Bank 4)
P0256 – Secondary Air Injection System Pressure Sensor Circuit High Voltage (Bank 1)
P0257 – Secondary Air Injection System Pressure Sensor Circuit High Voltage (Bank 2)
P0258 – Secondary Air Injection System Pressure Sensor Circuit High Voltage (Bank 3)
P0259 – Secondary Air Injection System Pressure Sensor Circuit High Voltage (Bank 4)
P0260 – Secondary Air Injection System Control Valve Solenoid/Relay Circuit Bank 1