Whenever you drive your 2017 Dodge Charger, there are a number of things you need to look for. These things include: 2017 Dodge Charger check engine light, cruise control indicators, Transmission temperature, and O2 sensor.
2017 Dodge Charger Check Engine Light: Transmission Temperature and Cruise Control Indicators
Having a well maintained transmission is important for both safety and performance. Having a transmission temperature gauge is an easy way to tell when yours is at its hottest.
If your transmission temperature gauge is stuck at a red hot number, you should consider having a technician take a look at the culprit. Not only is this a safety measure, it can save you hundreds of dollars in the long run. If the transmission is cooled down properly, you may be able to re-attach the gauge without having to resort to a power tool.
Aside from checking your transmission fluid and temperature, there are a number of other things you can do to keep your ride running smoothly. This includes using the cruise control controls to keep your speed and coasting in check. Some of the better cruise control systems have a master on/off switch that allows you to set your own speed.
The Dodge Charger has a good engine, a reasonably well cushioned ride and a handful of user friendly technological features. Just like 2017 Dodge Charger check engine light…

2017 Dodge Charger Check Engine Light: O2 Sensor
Having a bad O2 sensor in your Dodge Charger can affect your engine performance. And this can cause 2017 Dodge Charger check engine light illuminated. This can cause your gas mileage to decrease, as well as an engine jerk or hesitation. In addition, a faulty O2 sensor can damage your catalytic converter. This can also cause poor acceleration.
The oxygen sensor in your Charger controls the air-to-fuel ratio and the way it is delivered to the engine. When the sensor is faulty, the engine management computer will not know how much oxygen to send to the engine. This can cause other expensive components to fail.
There are two main O2 sensors in your Charger, the upstream sensor and the downstream sensor. The upstream sensor is usually located in the exhaust manifold. It measures the oxygen in the exhaust system. It then sends its data to the engine’s onboard computer.
When the upstream O2 sensor fails, the check engine light comes on. The check engine light can also indicate other problems. If the 2017 Dodge Charger check engine light comes on, it is a good idea to check your fuel sensor.

2017 Dodge Charger Check Engine Light: Aftermarket Items Can Cause Problems
Regardless of the model year of your Dodge Charger, there are a number of common problems that may arise. Some of the more common ones include the ignition, transmission, and suspension systems. If these issues aren’t fixed, they may require expensive repairs or even a complete engine replacement.
The ignition system is the most common problem for Dodge Chargers check engine. In some models, the ignition can’t turn over the engine, leading to a loss of power. Other owners have reported problems with the fuel rail hose connections. This can cause a fuel leak that may lead to fire.
If you’re experiencing problems with your brakes, there are several fixes available. In some cases, you can simply buy new brake pad sets. In other cases, you may need to buy a new cooling fan assembly. This can cost around $100, plus labor costs.
If you have the check engine light, it’s important to check it for any new issues. Some engine problems don’t trigger warning lights, so you should rule them out if you’re experiencing a problem.